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Viagra and General Anesthesia – Should You Miss the Dose?


When one needs surgery to treat some disease, they should be advised on how to properly prepare for surgical invasion. For this purpose there is a certain algorithm of actions about which a patient is informed by the doctor. If such a need is urgent and associated with acute conditions, such preparation is carried out by nurses and the patient does not perform any measures in advance. If the surgery is planned in advance, a patient should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Preparation for General Anesthesia

The correct choice and use of anesthesia is one of the key elements of successful surgery. Some time before the surgery, an anesthesiologist examines a patient, collects a complete medical history (anamnesis), finds out the predisposition of the body to allergic reactions. These measures are aimed at choosing the right type and dose of anesthetic. The more accurate doctor’s information, the better the chances of avoiding various types of side effects.

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A doctor also informs a patient about do’s and don’ts before surgery (generally this is information about food and fluid intake).

How to Avoid Complications During anesthesia?

To prevent possible complications during general anesthesia, some basic rules should be followed. All planned (elective) surgeries are carried out on an empty stomach. Patient is informed that in the evening, on the eve of surgery, he can not eat, only allowed to drink a little. This is an important condition in order to avoid vomiting and possible ingress of vomit into the airways.

Doctor should know what medications a patient is taking on a regular basis and before surgery. If you already know the date on which the surgery is planned, you should make every effort to properly prepare. Of course, vital drugs are not canceled. These include medications to lower blood sugar, antihypertensive drugs, painkillers and a number of other drugs. 

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Can You Take Viagra?

However, it is better to avoid potency-enhancing medications. It is known that sildenafil is excreted from the body more than 24 hours after ingestion. Therefore, taking Viagra the day before surgery is  prohibited. If this period is even longer than a day, it will be even better. In the process of preparation for surgery, regardless of its scope and localization, you need to set clear priorities and direct all your efforts to preserve the protective functions of your body. Don’t risk and be sure to tell an anesthesiologist when and in what dose you took this drug.

All of these tips apply to elective surgeries. During urgent surgeries, the patient’s preparation is different, it is carried out by nurses. In such cases, the stomach is emptied through a tube. But if the patient is conscious or close relatives are hear him, he or they need to inform a doctor about medications that have already been used. This information is very important and will help prevent unwanted side effects and complications.

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Viagra and Anesthesia

To find out how Viagra can affect the body during general anesthesia, let’s consider the mechanism of action of sildenafil and anesthetics.

Sildenafil actively enhances the relaxing effect of nitric oxide, which causes vasodilation and increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. In turn, vasodilation may be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.

General anesthesia is an artificially induced reversible inhibition of central nervous system functions. During anesthesia, consciousness is turned off, pain is not felt, reflex activity is suppressed.

Therefore, taking Viagra shortly before general anesthesia may provoke an unpredictable decrease in blood pressure. As a result, complications from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems may occur during the surgery.

Recovery Period

After anesthesia and surgery, the body needs time to recover. During this period it is necessary to follow doctor’s recommendations. Further use of drugs to increase potency should be discussed. A doctor may advise you to temporarily cancel their administration. A qualified specialist can assess the condition of your body and give appropriate recommendations.


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Picture of Amy Niles
Amy Niles
Amy Niles serves as Chair of Medical Relations/Advocacy for Together Rx Access, LLC. The Together ® Rx Access Card is a FREE prescription savings card for eligible individuals and families who lack prescription drug coverage and are not eligible for Medicare.

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